Saturday, September 15, 2012

We're Back!

Welcome back to a new school year! We are heading into week four already. Everyone has had time to settle into routines and get a feel for what their needs might be concerning technology.
At the last District Technology Meeting there was a discussion about offering technology trainings on a regular basis. I would assume this would be similar to what we did long ago when we were first learning to implement technology in our classrooms but we had very little equipment or infrastructure to use it effectively. Now we do! What kinds of things would you like to learn to about? Be thinking about it.
I have heard that this is to be the year of the PLN (Professional Learning Network), or it is sometimes called a PLC (Professional Learning Community). I have been involved with my PLN for a number of years. My PLN is mostly online (the other part includes my colleagues in Grand County). I have shared my learning with others online; I attend webinars and online inservices; I watch podcasts and videos; and I get new ideas from thousands of sources. The point is I have learned more than I can ever use.
I talked a bit about PLN’s last year on the website when many folks were trying to get recertification points. [see the May 12 blog entry on Prisfessional Development in Our District]. This year I plan to focus the blog on trainings… whatever we come up with to learn about as a District; and some tips on how to establish and use an online PLN.
***to help you get started: the first thing I did was to choose a few blogs to read each week. I stumbled upon a few teacher blogs that had some ideas that I liked. I bookmarked them and checked them on the weekend. (I follow lots of blogs now, but in the beginning I only followed a few). The blog below has compiled teacher blogs by grade level… just click on the link then choose a grade level and it will take you to lots of blogs that have incredible ideas. Go visit some and have fun!

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