Monday, February 14, 2011


Today we had a "Technology Tidbit" before the Faculty Meeting. I introduced (or in the case of some 're-introduced'), three web sites. (click on the site names to link to them)
INTO THE BOOK: is a Reading Comprehension Strategies site for K-4 students and teachers. It focuses on eight research-based strategies: Using Prior Knowledge, Making Connections, Questioning, Visualizing, Inferring, Summarizing, Evaluating and Synthesizing. 
UEN INTERACTIVES k-2  or  UEN INTERACTIVES 3-6 - both of these UEN pages have dozens of activities for you to use in your classroom with the entire class, individually in the lab, or with small groups and partners.
And the one that we didn't get to was ReadWriteThink. This site is huge and amazing. Today I just wanted to show you the interactive part. Go to the Navigation bar on the left and REFINE by grade level. Some really effective activities for Language Arts.

Thanks for all of your input with the Technology Survey today too. We have lots of folks who are having sound reverberation issues after last week's power issues. We are working on a solution.
The remaining Document Cameras are in the District and will be delivered soon. The longer cords  for the Document Cameras are on their way, after a short 'paperwork detour'. Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Linda,
    Thanks for taking your time to make this so easy for us!
